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Phases of Care //

Initial Consultation and Examination

During the initial consultion, the Chiropractor will take a case history of your injury and will also complete a thorough examination, including orthopaedic tests, neurological tests, palpation and more. Please leave 40 minutes for your first session. This will include treatment.


We do supply shorts and gown, however, if you prefer you bring your own stretchy loose clothing or a strappy top for your assessment, please do. Please do not wear cross backed sports bras, as they tend to cover a lot of the spine.


*If X-rays or MRI scans are necessary, the Chiropractor will refer you to the most convenient place for you to have these. Privately or through the NHS.

Report of Findings and First Treatment

Many clinics do not treat until the second visit. However at Fenchurch Chiropractic, we feel it's important to treat on the first visit if we can. This is to get you back to you, as quickly as possible!


The Chiropractor will go through the examination findings in detail, so that you have a good understanding of your complaint and the cause of it. The Chiropractor will then provide you with their recommendations for care.

Pain Relief

Initially the Chiropractor will concentrate on relieving your pain as quickly as possible, treating the cause of your discomfort. We use a variety of techniques, manipulation, soft tissue, work, stretches, mobilisations. However, the main difference between Chiropractors and other health professionals is that we spend 4 years learning spinal manipulation.

Rehabilitation and Functional Biomechanic Corrections

In order to ensure the pain does not come back, it is important to work on the aspect of "why" the pain started initally. A combination of exercises will be given to the patient to put into practice and the Chiropractor will work on the functional biomechanic corrections.


Initially the Chiropractor will give gentle stretches and activation exercises to help get rid of the pain, but once patients are 70% better, we will start to give gentle strengthening home exercises.

Most treatment plans are no longer than 6 - 8 weeks, very recent and mild injuries/ conditions treatment courses are much shorter. Many patients do like to come in for maintenance check ups, especially if they are sat down at the desk for a long time or have a chronic or easily aggravated condition. Our generation maybe be the first generation to routinely live to 100 years, so it's important to look after our bodies!


Pregnancy Chiropractic

Special pregnancy cushions are used for pregnancy Chiropractic treatment. The philosophy behind pregnancy Chiropractic is to help align the pelvis to have a much more comfortable pregnancy. Treatment is extremely gentle, with very small gentle movements.


*Please do let reception know to make a note if you are pregnant to ensure we have the right cushion available to you, as we do need to bring it from our Fenchurch Street location. (As storage is difficult at other locations.)

*Please book in with Emma only for pregnancy treatment.

 Please note no treatment can be given to ladies in their first trimester. 

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