The Sacroiliac Joint
Ever wondered what those dimples at the bottom of your spine are for? Some people refer to them as Venus dimples. Well they are not just...

Nutritional Support in Chiropractic Treatment- Inflammation
How do you reduce inflammation? Pop an Ibuprofen? Ice pack? ....what about really long term inflammation or if you have an ongoing...

What Are Knots?... What Is Medical Acupuncture And How Does It Work?
When is a pain, not a pain? When it is a Trigger Point. Trigger Points are tight fibrous bands of muscular tissue, that are...

Sitting survival guide
Even when sitting well, we can put an extra 40% of stress through our spines than standing. We are incredibly well designed to be...

5 Top Tips For Getting The Most From Your Chiropractic Sessions
1. A picture is worth a thousand words If you do a very specific sport or exercise and you feel some of the movements are repetitive and...

Could tight hamstrings be causing your chronic back pain or plantar faciitis?
There are many factors that could be contributing to your lower back pain or the persistence of lower back pain. One factor is the...

Nagging shoulder pain?
Due to our modern lifestyles we spend eighty percent of our day sitting. This includes sitting at the computer, sitting for breakfast,...

Are you sitting comfortably? -Deep Frontal Line
Are you sitting comfortably? We now spend on average 13 hours a day sitting, and the desk/chair combination has become the cultural norm....

Are your headaches coming from your neck or shoulders?
Cervicogenic headaches are the most common cause of headaches we find in clinic. These are headaches which stem from the little muscles...

What is Bursitis?
Bursa's are fatty pads which protect muscles from friction. There are over 150 bursas in the body, however, only a hand full of these get...